Harvester Design

conseo 4consensus at web.de
Mon Feb 27 00:22:08 EST 2012

Hi Mike,

I have roughed out a design for the Harvester. (1) Multithreaded execution is 
handled by an Executor. Currently I propose to use a fixed Thread for every 
Medium. This means all Jobs submitted by a single Medium will be scheduled in 
the same thread. (2) Implementations of Job are nested in each Medium, 
depending on how information has to be retrieved. Jobs can be interrupted by 
the Harvester, if a higher priority Job arrives. This is supposed to be done 
at certain key states by the Job itself internally (it returns from run()), to 
allow a quick interruption where the state of the Job allows it. The Job 
resubmits (a) Job(s) for the rest of the task if possible or reschedules 
itself. (3) The Kickers trigger events, which must be interpreted by the 
Medium appropriately (depending on state). The bottom grouped 
Job/Scheduler/Medium/Kicker architecture is generic for other services 
(besides difference related communication). To support a new Medium, you are 
only supposed to inherit Forum (or implement a different Medium if necessary). 


(1) http://whiletaker.homeip.net/votorola/harvester/1/harvester1.png
Created with ArgoUML http://argouml.tigris.org/ source:

(2) Maybe the Executor Pattern does not fit here then. I have followed the 
Command-Pattern which is realized in the Runnable/Jobs structure. 
This also means that Medium/Forum classes do not have to be insanely 
threadsafe (?)

(3) At the moment I suppose the state to be a timeline backwards with gaps. As 
gaps are being closed new Jobs only close these gaps. I am not sure if time-
dimensional browsing will do for all forums though. 

(4) Medium objects are configured with a ConstructionContext as usual (not 

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