web interface - poll/subserver for student elections

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Tue Mar 3 08:35:25 EST 2009

ken maina wrote:
> Finally i managed to deploy the web interface using tomcat application
> manager:
> Context Path:                         /maina
> WAR or Directory URL:        /path/to/votorola/a/web/base/

OK.  Still, I was trying to figure out why it didn't work.  In your
previous post, you said:

>>> demichild:~$ ls /usr/local/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/
>>> _  docs  examples  host-manager  maina.xml  manager

I think that's the work directory.  It only contains temp files.

I downloaded Tomcat 6.0.18, just to look.  It doesn't come bundled
with a context directory pre-created.  You would have to create it.
In your case:


I've updated the manual to make this clearer.  (Please don't follow
this manual, as it's for v. 0.2, which is not yet released.)

> The interface is simple and straight. i like that.Some functions like voter
> registration
> and elections vote section however are grayed out.How can i enable them?

The voter must log in.

> What i have in mind is a simple setup:a student general election.
> 1.Students can visit the site to register and  supply only their email and
> registration
>   number. Can i simulate this using vox-voters? I'm looking for around 500
> voters.

It depends on how the students are to be authenticated.  Student
elections are something of an edge case for Votorola... but I think we
can probably cover them.  Some alternatives:

  a) Authenticate email address alone.  This would be ideal.

     But this requires that each student is issued a specially
     formatted address, by the school.

  b) Authenticate email address against official registration number.
     (I think you are implying this.)  This would also be good.

     But this requires access to an official list of registration
     numbers, cross-correlated with email addresses.  You would have
     to obtain this from the school Registrar.  (Doubtful.)

  c) Use Votorola's trust network.  The students will then
     cross-authenticate each other.

> 2.Compile the register using vox-list.

Yes, it should be no problem.

> 3.These guys can now vote for the site for Chairman and Secretary posts (2
> candidates each).
>   Can i simulate this?

Two chairmen and two secretaries?  So, either:

  a) One election for both Chairmen, with the top 2 candidates
     winning.  (I think this is best.)

  b) Two elections (Chairman I and Chairman II) , with the top
     candidate of each winning.

However, Votorola is not designed for snap general elections.  Snap
elections are much riskier, as they are vulnerable to attack on
election day.  Rather, Votorola is designed for continuous primaries.
They are more robust.

Let me ask: Are there already elections for Chairman and Secretary, by
ordinary means (paper ballots, or whatever)?  If so, then maybe use
Votorola as designed - as a continuous primary.  It can actually
acheive the same effect, because the primary results will determine
the general results (if turnout is sufficient).

>   Are electoral district and regional scheme files that necessary for my
> simple setup.

You would probably start with a single district scheme (Assorted), and
a single district (University-Wide).

Later you could add a scheme for colleges or faculties (depending on
how your school is organized), with various districts (Arts, Science,
etc) to support college-specific elections.

Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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