Format of project plans

Michael Allan mike at
Fri Aug 28 08:37:17 EDT 2009

(I'm surprised by the amount of work that's needed in the wiki.  I
 spend most of my time there, instead of working on the pollserver.)

Here's my new idea for the format of the project plans.  I put the
overall plan in my main proposal page.  This covers all of the
portions of text on which we cast votes and try to reach consensus.
If we reach a rough consensus, then this text will be similar from
drafter to drafter:

Alongside this, each drafter's particular tasks (if any) are broken
out in the associated talk page.  In my case, I'm tasked with coding
and wiki gardening in support of the overall project plans:

Unlike the main proposal pages, the associated task/talk pages will
always differ from drafter to drafter.  So that's why we keep them
separate.  This new format won't work for law and policy drafts, only
for plans that are continuously executed, like Votorola's.  (If you
like it, please vote for it :)

- Mike

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